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Elul Zman 5774:

Begins: Rosh Chodesh Elul





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The yeshiva recommends… 

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​Rebbeim place each Talmid in a shiur that is most compatible to his learning style and will let the Talmidim​ know when they arrive in Yeshiv​a.​

Summer Zman – Winter Zman
The bochurim will be learning: Maseches Bava Metzia


​​Yes. Please contact us at office@yeshivats.org in advance and we will suggest the best time.

It is mandatory for everyone to have a student visa (א-2).  We will help you get a student visa but it is the responsibility of each individual to make sure his visa is valid. 

They yeshiva provides the bochurim with 3 meals daily including in-shabbosim. The yeshiva has an amazing chef!

Shabbos and Yom Tovim:

Throughout the zman there will be in Shabbosim, 2 weeks in and every 3rd week the bochurim can go out. All bochurim are required to stay in yeshiva for an in Shabbos. During an In-Shabbos, Friday night seuda, seuda shelishis and all davening are in the Yeshiva. Shabbos lunch is also in Yeshiva with the option to go to local families etc. 

Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Simchas Torah, and Shavuos are in the Yeshiva, by all talmidim.

Our talmidim come from all over the world. Our current student body includes boys from all over the United States and Canada, Israel, London, Manchester, Switzerland, Australia and more.

Yes, you can order from Blanket Express

For the past thirteen  years, Blanket Express Plus has been providing its service to foreign students. They allow you the convenience of purchasing all your dormitory needs at home, and then delivering your package directly to you at our yeshivah , so that it’s there when you arrive.

Should you decide to use their service, you may place an order with them at www.BlanketExpressPlus.com 

They may be also be contacted at